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File Created: 18-May-2023 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  05-Jun-2023 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name WICKED WANDA, ZRR, WICK, WL Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094B022
Status Showing NTS Map 094B04E
Latitude 056º 13' 57'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 37' 34'' Northing 6232133
Easting 461186
Commodities Lead, Zinc Deposit Types E12 : Mississippi Valley-type Pb-Zn
Tectonic Belt Foreland Terrane Ancestral North America
Capsule Geology

The Wicked Wanda occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1460 metres on a west-trending ridge, east of the Wicked River and approximately 3.2 kilometres south of the south end of Wicked Lake.

The Wicked Lake area is situated on the dome-like, south-plunging nose of the Bernard anticline, bound to the west by the Mount Burden thrust fault and bound to the east by the Nabesche River fault. Hangingwall strata west of the Mount Burden fault include Ordovician to Devonian Road River Group calcareous shale, limestone and siltstone; Ordovician Skoki Formation dolostone, limestone, siltstone and volcanics and Cambro-Ordovician Kechika Group siltstone, shale and limestone. Footwall strata, east of the thrust, include Devonian and Carboniferous Besa River Formation shale and limestone, Middle Devonian Dunedin Formation limestone and dolostone, Lower and Middle Devonian Stone Formation dolostone and sandstone and Silurian and Devonian Muncho-McConnell Formation dolostone and Silurian Nonda Formation dolostone and limestone.

Locally, hydrozincite, smithsonite, sphalerite and galena occur in stratabound dolomitized and silica-flooded and quartz veined stockworks and solution breccias. The mineralized zone strikes northwest and dips approximately 40 degrees southwest. The mineralization has been intermittently traced for approximately 900 metres to the northwest.

In 1993, a sample (557-N) yielded 0.16 per cent lead and greater than 11.00 per cent zinc over an area of 4.57 by 9.15 metres, whereas another sample (557-O), located a short distance northwest of the previous sample, assayed 1.20 per cent zinc over 9.15 metres (Assessment Report 23174).

Work History

The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby ZRR (MINFILE 094B 017) occurrence and a complete regional exploration history can be found there.

In 1993, Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc. completed a program of geological mapping and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area as the Wicked Wanda property.

EMPR ASS RPT 4141, 5246, 6542, 8667, *23174
EMPR GEM 1972-461; 1974-288; 1977-E210
GSC OF 536
GSC P 69-11